Přednáška Siv Gøril Brandtzæg
4. října 2023
14:00 – 15:40

Ústav české literatury a Ústav českého jazyka FF MU Vás zve na přednášku Siv Gøril Brandtzæg. Přednáška proběhne ve středu 4. října ve 14:00, v budově na Veveří 28, místnost K24. Program je možné sledovat i online na Zoomu.
Singing the news of natural disasters in Scandinavia and beyond: Charting a transnational cultural heritage
What can historic songs and cheap prints tell us about how our forebears dealt with natural disasters? This talk will present and define disaster songs, a type of lyric which appeared in cheap prints (in the Anglophone world known as broadside ballads) all over Europe, from the 16th through to the 20th century. Taking the national tradition in Norway as its starting point, this talk will present the literary and musical content of the songs, as well as outline the religious, political, social and cultural contexts which formed them in their time. The presentation will include singing examples from the Scandinavian songs, as well as comparisons between Lutheran/Nordic songs and Catholic/Czech songs on the 1755 Lisbon earthquake.
Siv Gøril Brandtzæg (b. 1980) is an associate professor of Comparative Literature in the Dept. of Language and Literature at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). She is the project leader of a national project on Norwegian song prints, has edited two books on song prints, and is currently concluding a monograph on natural disaster songs.
Meeting ID: 998 7283 0305, Passcode: 595352
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