Siv Gøril Brandtzæg: 'Monstrous' children in early modern British and Scandinavian broadside ballads
8. října 2024
14:00 – 15:40 - posluchárna D21, Arna Nováka 1, Brno

Ústav české literatury a Ústav českého jazyka FF MU Vás zve na přednášku
Siv Gøril Brandtzæg z Norwegian University of Science and Technology.
Přednáška proběhne v úterý 8. října ve 14:00, v budově na Arna Nováka 1, místnost D21. Program je možné sledovat i online na Zoomu (link je na konci pozvánky).
'Monstrous' children in early modern British and Scandinavian broadside ballads
The birth of "monstrous" children, i.e. children born with severe malformations, was a regular theme in religious broadside ballads, published across Europe from the sixteenth century onwards. Why did people make songs about such tragic events, and what can these cheap prints tell us about fear and faith in the early modern period? This talk will present, in words and song, some examples of this theme, as it was presented in British broadside ballads and Scandinavian skilling songs.

Siv Gøril Brandtzæg (b. 1980) is an associate professor of Comparative Literature in the Dept. of Language and Literature at the Norwegian University of Science and Technology (NTNU). She is the project leader of a national project on Norwegian song prints, has edited two books on song prints, and is currently concluding a monograph on naturaldisaster songs.
Meeting ID: 936 6071 4520 Passcode: 321408
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